Saturday, March 14, 2009

Working For The Weekend

Hello Folks,

Well it seems that this week I got laid off from my job. No big deal. I knew it was coming-- but a lot of my co-workers didn't know.

It was very abrupt, and I feel that if people spent years and in some cases decades dedicating their lives to an institution; then said institution needs to step it up and give ample time and warning to those employees--- NOT TWO DAYS.

But lemons will become lemonade and I was sent off with style. My very own piƱata to break in the lobby!

Also, you may have heard or read, that I'm in a band called NighTraiN. We just did a show at Faire Gallery|Cafe and we will be doing another show for our brother band Bob and the Dangerous Brothers April 4th!

NighTraiN is trying out for a contest dealing with Xbox Live and Zune. If our song gets picked it goes on a video game and we'll get to go to LA for free VIP like. Check out our jams:

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Big Voice Dance Is Back!

All thanks to Sam Sparro--- He's brilliant, I love him. I just want to get my spandex on with my knee pads and my leather African medallion and bust a move! For Realz!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Please Come See NighTraiN!

I'm in a band called NighTraiN. You should totally come see us play at Faire Gallery|Cafe.